The implementation would follow a regional approach with the following being the definition of the regions:
- Region 1: North America
- Region 2: Latin America (including Central America and the Caribbean)
- Region 3: Europe
- Region 4: Middle East and North Africa
- Region 5: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Region 6: Central Asia
- Region 7: Far East and South-East Asia
- Region 8: Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand)
This regional approach would result in an astronomy development structure containing:
International Office: headed by the co-ordinator - FTE
8 Regional Hubs: this would usually be a group of people in the region who have links with the IAU and a relatively well established astronomy programme
Country Nodes: each country should have a team of people addressing the development of astronomy in their country – this team could be the same as the IYA national nodes
Email Networks and Communication Structures: there would be 3 main networks that one would communicate with through email discussion lists, telecons, skypecasts, meetings, etc.:
a. Regional Hubs
b. Country Nodes
c. Open network of individuals interested in development of astronomy