Global Astronomy Survey for Albania
SPoC Approved : YES
1. Professional (Research) Astronomy:
(i) Number of universities offering Astronomy (and their names)
One university. Tirana University Astrophysics courses, part of physics degree, 45 hours, 4 credits.
(ii) Number of universities offering Physics (and their names) :
Five universities.
1) Tirana University, 2) Shkodra University, 3) Elbasan University, 4) Gjirokastra University, 5) Vlora University
All universities offer undergraduate degree, except of Tirana University, offering undergraduate and postgraduate degree.
(iii) Number of academics who have been trained in Astronomy (ideally with their names and levels of qualification) :
Two. 1) Mimoza Hafizi, Graduated at Tirana University, physics degree; Postgraduate studies in Paris 7 university, France, PHD of this university; Professor of Quantum Mechanics and Astrophysics at Tirana University.
2) Sonila Boci. Graduated at Tirana University, physics degree; Postgraduate studies at Tirana University, master of this university; in process of PHD degree of this university.
(iv) Number of astronomical facilities (observatories, telescopes, etc) and as much detail about each as possible (websites/contact details) :
Une observatory/20cm telescope, Tirana University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, website:
(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Professional Astronomy? Please include any other relevant information to motivate your choice.)
Phase 2, we have a small group of researchers in astrophysics.
2. Public Understanding of Astronomy:
(i) What governmental astronomy/science outreach programmes for the public take place (co-ordinated either by government departments or national facilities) :
(ii) What non-governmental astronomy/science outreach programmes for the public take place (NGO activities or international programmes that your country is involved in) :
Our telescope is financed by an NGO; there are some international programmes for applied sciences, but not for astronomy.
(iii) Comment on the presence of astronomy in the media (TV, radio, newspapers). Is it very prominent? Are there specific programmes on astronomy? Is the media generally willing to publish news on astronomy?
Yes, there are specific programmes on astronomy in the media. Yes, the media is generally willing to publish news on astronomy.
(iv) Comment on the presence of astronomy/science in the general culture of the people. Are there any specific challenges or setbacks? Is astronomy a welcome subject of conversation?
Generally yes.
(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Public Understanding of Astronomy? Please include any other relevant information to motivate your choice.)
Phase 3. We have a community of people developing non-professonal astronomy and some interest from the public to understand astronomy.
3. Astronomy in Schools:
(i) What governmental astronomy/science education and outreach programmes for schools take place (co-ordinated either by government departments or national facilities) :
no one
(ii) What non-governmental astronomy/science education and outreach programmes for schools take place (NGO activities or international programmes that your country is involved in) :
no one
(iii) Comment on the presence of astronomy in the school curriculum. Is it part of the school curriculum? Is it very prominent? What age groups?
Astronomy is taught in secondary schools, at a very good level, age 17-18 years. Topics: Solar system; Our galaxy; Our universe; Big Bang model; How to know the sky. 30 hours of courses at the end of the physics courses, end of the secondary school.
(iv) Comment on the status of astronomy/science in schools. Are there any specific challenges or setbacks? Sufficient number of students studying maths and science? General interest inb maths/science/astronomy in schools?
Limited number of students studing maths, physics and astronomy, small interest in studying sciences.
(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Astronomy in Schools? Please include any other relevant information to motivate your choice.)
Phase 2 or 3. Good level of programmes, small interest.