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Tuesday, 03 March 2009 00:00

Global Astronomy Survey : Brazil

SpoC Approved : YES

1. Professional (Research) Astronomy:

(i) Number of universities offering Astronomy (and their names)

These are Universities and Research Institutes

USP - Univ de S. Paulo (SP)

ON - Observatório Nacional/MCT (RJ)

INPE – Inst. Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais/MCT (SP)

UFRJ – Univ Fed do R. de Janeiro (RJ)

UFRGS – Univ Fed do R. Grande do Sul (RS)

UFRN – Univ Fed do R. Grande do Norte (RN)

UNESP– Univ Est Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (SP)

UNIFEI – Univ Federal de Itajubá (MG)

LNA – Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica/MCT (MG)

UNIVAP – Univ do Vale do Paraíba (SP)

UFMG – Univ Fed de Minas Gerais (MG)

UESC – Eniv Est de Santa Cruz (BA)

UFSC – Univ Fed de Sta. Catarina (SC)

UNICSUL – Univ Cruzeiro do Sul (SP)

UFSM – Univ Fed de Sta. Maria (RS)

Un. Mackenzie – Univ Presbiteriana Mackenzie (SP)

UEFS – Univ Est de Feira de Santana (BA)

UERJ – Univ Est do R. de Janeiro (RJ)

UNIPAMPA – Univ Fed do Pampa (RS)

UERN – Univ Est do R. Grande do Norte (RN)

UNB – Univ de Brasília (DF)

UEL – Univ Est de Londrina (PR)

CBPF – Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas/MCT (RJ)

UFPR – Univ Fed do Paraná (PR)

UFABC – Univ Fed do ABC (SP)

Unochapecó – Univ Comunitária Regional de Chapecó (SC)

UFPel – Univ Fed de Pelotas (RS)

UNIFESP – Univ Fed de S. Paulo (SP)

UCS – Univ de Caxias do Sul (RS)

UFF – Univ Fed Fluminense (RJ)

UNIVASF – Univ Fed do Vale do S. Francisco (PE)

UFJF – Univ Fed de Juíz de Fora (MG)

UEPG – Univ Est de Ponta Grossa (PR)

UFMT – Univ Fed do Mato Grosso (MT)

UFSCar – Univ Fed de S. Carlos (SP)

CEFET-SP – Centro Federal de Ensino Tecnológico de S. Paulo (SP)

UTFPR – Univ Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (PR)

Fund. Sto. André – Fundação Santo André (SP)

(ii) Number of universities offering Physics (and their names)

They number of Universities offering Physics is about 8 times the number of those already offering Astronomy.

(iii) Number of academics who have been trained in Astronomy (ideally with their names and levels of qualification)

Institute - #PhDs - #Students (MsC+PhD)

USP           51              67

ON             32             30

INPE          27            18

UFRJ(OV+IF) 18      18

UFRGS      13             18

UFRN         7              19

UNESP(FEG+RC)    13 11

UNIFEI       3             12

LNA(+SOAR) 13       0

UNIVAP       8           4

UFMG           6           5

UFSC             3          6

UESC             8          0

UNICSUL      6          1

UFSM            3          4

Un. Mackenzie 5       1

UEFS             5         0

UERJ             4          0

UNIPAMPA  3         0

UERN           3           0

UNB            3            0

CBPF           2             0

UFPR           2           0

UFABC        2          0

Unochapecó  2         0

UFPel           2         0

UEL             2          0

UNIFESP    2           0

UCS            1            0

UFF             1            0

UNIVASF  1             0

UFJF           1            0

UEPG          1           0

UFMT         1            0

UFSCar        1           0

CEFET-SP   1           0

UTFPR        1            0

Fund.Sto.André 1      0

Posdoc outside of the Country  15

Total             275   212

(iv) Number of astronomical facilities (observatories, telescopes, etc)
and as much detail about each as possible (websites/contact details)

-National observatory (LNA/MCT) => 1 telescope 1.6-m + 2x 0.6m

-Partnership in SOAR Tlelescope/ Chile 4m  (100 nights/year)-

-partnership in Gemini 2x8m telescope (8 nights/year)

(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Professional Astronomy? Please include any other relevant information to motivate your choice.)

Phase 1. well stablished

2. Public Understanding of Astronomy:

(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Public Understanding of Astronomy? Please include any other relevant information to motivate your choice.)

Phase 2. In need of support

3. Astronomy in Schools:

(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Astronomy in Schools? Please include any other relevant information to motivate your choice.)

Phase 2. In need of support

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