Global Astronomy Survey : Morocco
First submission: Hamid Touma [
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] 27 March 2009 Updated: Hamid Touma [
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] 20 July 2009
1. Professional (Research) Astronomy:
(i) Number of universities offering Astronomy (and their names)
Astronomy is teaching in 6 Sciences Faculties of 6 diférentes Universities between 14 Universities in the country. Science Faculty of Rabat, Mohamed V Universit Rabat Science Faculty of Marrakech, Caddi Ayyad University Marrakech Science Faculty of Agadir, Ibn Zohr University Agadir Science Faculty of Casablanca, Hassn II University Casablanca Science Faculty of Oujda, Hassan I University Oujda Science Faculty of Tétouan, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University Tétouan Tanger
(ii) Number of universities offering Physics (and their names)
Six. * Mohammed V University of Rabat * Caddi Ayad of Marrakech * Al AKhawaine University of Ifrane * Ibn Zohr University of Agadir * Abdelmalek Essaidi University of Tetouan * Hassan 1University of Oujda
(iii) Number of academics who have been trained in Astronomy (ideally with their names and levels of qualification)
*Professor Samir KADIRI of Rabat *Professor Hamid TOUMA of Rabat *Professor Driss FADLI of Rabat *Professor Hassan DARHMAOUI of Ifrane *Professor Zouhair Ibn KHALDOUN of Marrakech *Professor Mohamed LAZREK of Marrakech *Professor Abderrahmane IBHI of Agadir *Professor Hassan DOUZI of Agadir *Professor Mustapha BANOUNI of Agadir *Professor Hassan DEKHESSI of Oujda *Professor Ahmed FAHLI of Casablanca *Professor Mohamed BEKKALI of Tétouan *Professor Said of Tanger
(iv) Number of astronomical facilities (observatories, telescopes, etc) and as much detail about each as possible (websites/contact details)
Two. The Rabat Observatory. Currently, we have begun the construction of a new 40 seater planetarium in Guelmim south of Morocco. And, we wish finish it next year.
(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Professional Astronomy?
Phase 2. The field of research is very small. A few articles and publications of Moroccan astronomers are published in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Journal, and the books and proceeding of IAU. During 2000 May we organized an international meeting under of the IAU. In April 2003 we organized an International School for Young Astronomers at AlAKHAWANE University Ifrane under the IAU.
2. Public Understanding of Astronomy:
(i) What governmental astronomy/science outreach programmes for the public take place (co-ordinated either by government departments or national facilities)
We would like to emphasize that most of the activities in astronomy in Morocco concerns the large public and the schoolards (young people). For example, at the Rabat Observatory, we have received from 1999 to today more than 25 000 schoolards and students.
(ii) What non-governmental astronomy/science outreach programmes for the public take place (NGO activities or international programmes that your country is involved in)
The Moroccan Astronomers Amateurs Network contains 15 structures developing the astronomy for the large pubic and numbers more than 200 members.
(iii) Comment on the presence of astronomy in the media (TV, radio, newspapers). Is it very prominent? Are there specific programmes on astronomy? Is the media generally willing to publish news on astronomy?
For the last Lunar eclipse of 21 February 2008, we had a talk on national radio for 2 hours live from 5 different cities and areas in Morocco.
(iv) Comment on the presence of astronomy/science in the general culture of the people. Are there any specific challenges or setbacks? Is astronomy a welcome subject of conversation?
All conferences that we have organised during this special Yaer 2009 IYA, we constated that the large public have a good intertest to astronomy the young and the large public. Every where we organise the stary night in the Kingdom there many people who assist for more tha 4 hours to observe the sky. Every time many questions about astronomy and the creation of the Univers has asked by the large people. Some time to time there is some question about the Religion Islamic the God ALLAH and the creation the Univers. There is an other view of the Univers. Un other Cosmologie melanged with the religion.
(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Public Understanding of Astronomy?
Phase 3.
3. Astronomy in Schools:
(i) What governmental astronomy/science education and outreach programmes for schools take place (co-ordinated either by government departments or national facilities)
We would like to emphasize that most of the activities in astronomy in Morocco concerns the large public and the schoolards (young people). For example, at the Rabat Observatory, we have received from 1999 to today more than 25 000 schoolards and students.
(ii) What non-governmental astronomy/science education and outreach programmes for schools take place (NGO activities or international programmes that your country is involved in)
The programme for school is poor for astronomy, in general. But, there some academic institution of regional school who started to interest to astronomy. For exemple, this Year, the Moroccan Amateurs Astronomers Network that I am a Head, we have organised a 3 trainning for the teachers of the Settat Chaoui-Ouradigha Academic of Schools, aboot astronomy. The 3 trainnaing there was mor tha 100 Teachers for the childreen. Our Moroccan Amateurs Astronomers Network contains more than 15 clubs in Morocco. For more information, you can visit our web site : in french.
(iii) Comment on the presence of astronomy in the school curriculum. Is it part of the school curriculum? Is it very prominent? What age groups?
Very poor. Some introduction of astronomy are teached, like the solar system, the position of the Earth in the Univers, the Rotating of the Earth and Saisons.
(iv) Comment on the status of astronomy/science in schools. Are there any specific challenges or setbacks? Sufficient number of students studying maths and science? General interest in maths/science/astronomy in schools?
The students are very interested by astronomy, but the officil programme of astronomy is not rich.
(v) Self evaluation (according to the different phases above, how would you rate your country in terms of Astronomy in Schools?
We can do more efforts to instaure the astronomy education in the Moroccan School. So that, we need some subvention to organise more the training for the Teachers in the differents school in the country.
Any other general comments or information that you feel would be useful for this survey?
We are a member of IAU since 1990